Hair Fairies’ Maria Botham on The Dr. Oz Show
We are so excited and pleased to announce that Hair Fairies CEO Maria Botham appeared on the Dr. Oz Show on April 10, 2017. Maria demonstrated the patented “nit-zapping” lice treatment method which Hair Fairies has developed over the years to get rid of lice naturally and effectively. The segment, titled “Settle It for Good: Should You Worry? The New Mutant Super Lice Attacking Adults” covered methods for treating new strains of lice, which in recent years have become increasingly resistant to traditional OTC shampoos. Watch the clip above or catch it on demand! Hair Fairies offers low-cost screenings and guaranteed results in a kid-friendly environment. If head lice strike your family, don’t mess around with expensive dry cleaning bills and days of cleanup; let Hair Fairies do the work for you, help you bill your insurance, and eliminate those pesky nits.